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Rubedo - Destina Makeup @W♥RP (till Nov 28th) - Eyes & Lips BOM fantasy makeup - Available in regular & EvoX version - 13 different colors

LittleFish - Aurora Set - Forehead and undereye/cheek piercing for LeL female Evo/X heads - HUD ball/gem option, on/off option, 16 metal & 10 gem color options

Vortex - Lashes 16.0 @November Group Gift - Lashes Applier for Lelutka EvoX - Includes 3 different lashes styles

Vanity Hair - Eva Hairbase for EvoX + Addon - Hairbase in 4 different color packs & tintable - 2 rigged addons (catwa & lelutka) & 1 unrigged addon in 8 different color packs

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